Be Careful What You Wish For…

After nearly exhausting their resources, the crew is forced to decide whether or not to make a risky attempt to reach home. Starts approximately five months after “Lineage.”
There But for the Grace of God

Voyager is home from the Delta Quadrant and heading out on a very familiar first mission. But just as they were almost eight years earlier, Kathryn Janeway and her crew are in for a bigger adventure than they bargained for as a message from their past promises to change their futures forever.
A note about my work: I write character-based stories. Though they focus on relationships among the crew (mostly P/T, many J/C, some D/7, no slash), they are never without some real story. Some even involve all the characters in a traditional episodic format. I believe a plot is a good thing. I try to follow canon as established in the series itself. The only payment I will ever receive for all these stories is your feedback. Please drop me an email and let me know if you enjoy them! |
About “Connect the P/T Dots”: Don’t ask me why, but I’m attempting to write a canon-consistent (meaning “it could have happened”) history for Tom and B’Elanna by connecting otherwise unrelated scenes from the episodes into an independent story. Unlike traditional “missing scenes” stories, these will never contradict the facts as shown in canon, and will generally incorporate scenes from more than one Voyager episode. Hopefully, when I finish, I’ll have cleaned up some of the messes left behind the Voyagerstaff writers who, until Season 7, could never seem to decide what they wanted to do with this pair. |